From the Straits of Gibraltar and from the end of the French canals all the ports, marinas and places to visit.

If you are new to the Western Mediterranean or simply want to expand your horizons, then this  is an indispensable guide and pilot book.



Unless otherwise stated almost all marinas in Spain operate on VHF 9 

Theoretically they also monitor VHF 16 but in practice most offices do not remember to switch it on.

To use your mobile phone to talk to them from the boat at sea is perfectly normal and that’s what most ‘locals’ do.


Almost always there is a ‘waiting berth’ near the office and entrance to the marina and most also have a fuel dock alongside the waiting berth which you should only use if you intend fuelling up.


You can expect a ‘marinero’ (sailor in Spanish) to take your lines at the waiting dock and when you finally park up.


Normal practice is to secure to the ‘waiting berth’ and then walk to the office with your papers: Passports – Insurance papers – Ships Papers and credit card.  (Unless you have valid third party insurance you will not be allowed to stay)


The paperwork is completed in the marina office and a copy of it handed to the Guardia Civil at the end of each working day. The Guardia Civil enter the details in their computer and track all foreign pleasure yachts whilst they are in Spanish waters.Bottom of Form









Facilities in Gibraltar Bay


Gibraltar Bay                                                                     Page 18

Gibraltar Harbour and marina’s                           Page 19

Queensway Quay App in harbour                        Page 20

Ocean Village and Marina Bay                            Page 21

Alcaidesa marinas layout                                     Page 22

Green Island boat yard                                         Page 23

Chart to Green Island boat yard                           Page 24

Gibraltar airial image                                         Page 25



Gibraltar to Malaga


Gibraltar to Malaga chart                                     Page 26

Sotogrande                                                           Page 27

Duquesa   plan                                                      Page 28

Estapona harbour chart and picture                      Page 29

Puerto Jose Banus     plan  + picture                    Page 30/31

Marbella – chart                                                   Page 32

Fuengirola  harbour plan                                      Page 33

Benalmadena plan and image                              Page 34/5

Malaga plan                                                          Page 36


French Canals to Denia:

 To be more precise you have come south through the canals to the River Saone and down to Lyon.  Then you have entered the mighty Rhone River with its huge commercial locks and headed south with the current to near Arles where you make the decision to either hang a right and use the canals to get to Sete or carry straight on and take the very straight tree lined canal to Port St Louis.






There two main routes into the Mediterranean if you exclude the option of buying a boat already located there, which can have it’s own issues, or sticking it on the back of a lorry from the UK.


The most romantic and enjoyable, if your boat is a suitable size, is from the English Channel via the French Canals and Rivers into Port St |Louis or Sete on the Southern French Coast.


If you are heading off towards Corsica, Sardinia and the Greek Islands then you will head for Port St Louis and Port Napoleon Marina


 If you are heading for the Balearic Islands and the Costa del Sol then you will head for Sète and the Port de Plaisance de Sète.


 If you have your mast on deck, then both places have cranes to put the mast back up for you.




 Port Napoleon probably has a more full on service for masting and de-masting and you can send your mast by road from the French Channel port you entered the canal system to Port Napoleon to await your arrival.




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